STUDIO MANAGER – FIXED TERM CONTRACT (12 months) Application Pack Overview Thanks for your interest in working with Breaking Barriers CIC. We’re an ambitious, multi-disciplinary, production company working out of (and managing) Richard...
Calling early-career producers in Rochdale!
Producers Week is an exciting programme run by Breaking Barriers and funded by UKSPF funding supported by Rochdale Development Agency and Rochdale Borough Council, designed to help early-career producers sharpen their skills, grow their networks, and connect with...
Richard Street creative studios to launch as part of ‘Rochdale Creates Space’
Rochdale Development Agency, working in partnership with Rochdale Borough Council, is setto open its new creative space ‘Richard Street Studios’ in Rochdale as part of ambitious plansto support the development of the boroughs...
The Impact of the Arts Within the Prison System By Ella Hurl-Hodges, assistant producer
Is it a coincidence that an area with little to no art is an area with a high crime rate? Upon numerous workshops in Buckley Hall Prison based in Rochdale, it was apparent to me that the arts weren’t widely prevalent in the lives of these men. However, with a little...
Braving the Cold by Amy Townsend-Lowcock, Assistant Director
What happens when you venture into the hills on a frosty, minus three degrees morning? Do your toes turn purple and curl up in your ill-equipped trainers? Do your fingers go numb and turn into frankfurters when you try to take photos to document the trip? Are you...